Welcome to the Single Cell Metabolism lab at the University of Chicago! We live in the Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care at the University of Chicago, and are interested in the energetics of cellular processes.
Our interests are governed by mechanobiology. How are external forces transferred to the cell? How does the cell energetically deal with active deformation? What regulatory processes are involved?
Postdoctoral fellow positions available!
Graduate student positions available!
Potential projects:
Develop projects using single cell sequencing methods to understand pulmonary pathobiology.
Lead projects in the intersection between mechanotransduction and metabolism using deep learning and single molecule microscopy techniques
New paper accepted!
Congratulations to Jin Li for her fantastic review! Jin Li, Yun Fang* and David Wu*. Mechanical forces and metabolic changes cooperate to drive cellular memory and endothelial phenotypes. Current Topics in Membranes: Cellular Mechanostransduction Mechanisms to...