Congratulations to Zhengjie!

New manuscript in press at PNAS!! Targeted polyelectrolyte complex micelles treat vascular complications in vivo. Zhengjie Zhou1,2, Chih-Fan Yeh2,3, Michael Mellas1, Myung-Jin Oh2, Jiayu Zhu2, Jin Li2, Ru-Ting Huang2, Devin Harrison2.4, Tzu-Pin Shentu2, David Wu2,...

Methods paper is now online at STAR Protocols!

Single-cell lactate production rate as a measure of glycolysis in endothelial cells Summary Heterogeneous metabolism supports critical single-cell functions. Here, we describe deep-learning-enabled image analyses of a...

New publication! – methods paper

Devin and Dave’s paper detailing the methods we used for quantifying single cell metabolism in endothelial cells. Congrats, Devin! Devin Harrison*, David Wu*, Jun Huang, Yun Fang. Single-cell lactate production rate as a measure of glycolysis in endothelial...

New paper accepted!

Congratulations to Jin Li for her fantastic review! Jin Li, Yun Fang* and David Wu*. Mechanical forces and metabolic changes cooperate to drive cellular memory and endothelial phenotypes. Current Topics in Membranes: Cellular Mechanostransduction Mechanisms to...